General Sherman tree

 General Sherman tree is located in Sequoia National Park in the USA. This is the largest giant sequoia in the world, which is known to specialists. It grows in the Sierra Nevada, California .

This giant tree, to which people look like miniature, is not only the largest giant sequoia in the world, is the largest living creature on the planet - so wrote the plate in front of the tree. Giant sequoia is over 83 meters high, but that does not make it the tallest tree in the world. It has a trunk circumference of over 24 meters and circumference of the crown of its goals is 33 meters. The lowest branch of the famous tree is located 40 meters from the ground.

In the nineteenth century the area in which grows the famous tree was called the giant forest researcher John Muir, who exclaimed that the forest is a giant when he found the giant redwoods. This name - Giant forest - is preserved to this day for this part of the park. General Sherman Tree, which scares some people with its size, is likened by many tourists in the red-orange rock, whose top may not be seen. Every year this tree produces as much wood as would suffice for the erection of eighteen foot tall tree.
 Tourists arriving at the park to see the General Sherman tree, always shoot up his trunk, near which seem very fragile and small.

Long been believed that General Sherman tree is over three thousand years, but recent studies have determined its age - it's exactly two thousand years. That does not make it the oldest tree in the world.

The oldest tree, which was in 4484 years, was a special kind of Californian pine that was cut in 1965. Years ago, they were cut redwoods at over three thousand years. It is believed that the planet still has trees on five thousand years.
 In the winter of 2006 General Sherman tree has been deprived of a large branch of the crown. When the branch fell to the ground, he flattened the fence around the tree and damaged the path that leads to the giant sequoia, which caused a number of repairs.

Specialists believe that the loss of large tree branch is a way to react against changing weather conditions on our planet. Even after the fall of this giant General Sherman tree branch has not lost its status as the largest tree on the planet.

According to calculations by specialists of General Sherman tree weighs over 1300 tons. Tourists from around the world arrived in Sequoia National Park, just to be able to see General Sherman tree with his own eyes. It is named after the hero of the Civil War General William Sherman .
The tree can be reached by a special trail on which they can reach, and people with disabilities who have special parking places nearby. On a brick walkway steps that show to what extent the root system of the largest living thing on our planet.

Root system of the tree is huge and many people are attracted to the tree, which was witnessed great historical events and has seen the development of human civilization since the beginning of new era now. Each year diameter of the tree trunk of General Sherman grew by almost half an inch.
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