Under the rainbow

The smoke that thunders - it's description that the tribe column gives the
powerful beauty of
Victoria Falls (
Victoria Falls). Mosin-oa-Tunney told the people of every foreigner who came to see the
beautiful and magnificent views. At the beginning of last century, locals still framed the
waterfall as the largest curtain of falling
water in the
The spray from Victoria Falls

The very name
Victoria is given by Scottish explorer David Livingstone in one of his travels in the region during the 1852-1856 year. This was the first European managed to reach shore in the water pool. The list of world natural heritage of our planet recognizes two names of attraction - as Mosin-oa-Tunney, and
The geographic location of the landmark
Victoria falls on the border between
Zambia and
Zimbabwe, about 18 km. South of Livingston.
Victoria Falls is part of two
national parks and is considered the
largest waterfall in the
world. It is 1.7 km wide and high between 90 and 107 meters. Incredible views to see how the
water falls in the valley, and from a suitable distance one can cover the whole
waterfall look.
Tourists can watch the mighty waters of the Zambezi from 64 meters away and the
water poured from about 100 meters in the deep stone gorge. At the height of the rainy season around 550 million cubic meters of water and sporadic thunder poured down from nearly one mile basalt gorge.

Among other places, are easy to monitor so-called melting pot, and the Chief threshold East
Falls, and specially constructed bridge in 1900,
Victoria Falls (
Victoria Falls). Hence oval view gives quite a complete view on the sea green
waters of the river and emerald rain forest.
tourists here are particularly attractive opportunities to experience flight with biplane or helicopter drop of the majestic waters. Locals pilots offer an exciting aerial tour as a fly consistently upstream of the
Zambezi, and then down to the
waterfall gorge. For the more adventurous there is a possibility to get closer to the raft of foaming water at the base of the
Victoria Falls offers various possibilities for
water sports, climbing and skiing.
Victoria Falls, devils cauldron natural hot tub at lip of falls