Cambodia - Angkor Wat - Helicopter Shot

In northern Cambodia did initially established Chenla state. Then mythical hero makes Kambo dynasticism association between Funan and Chenla. Come on stage and the first representative of the powerful and long lasting dynasty of kings. He sits on the throne in 480, but the dispute between his sons, causing loss of part of the territory. The revival of Cambodia and Angkorskata Empire flourished due to the great II. That he began to build in 802, the new capital of Angkor wat.

From the great city in the jungle today are left only the stone temples. All buildings, except the cult, were built of wood and it is rotten.
Tour guides advise to begin with complex Angkor wat Thom, which is the last administrative and religious center of the great empire. It covers an area of 900 hectares. Enter through the 5-door delivered to multiple terraces, temples, baths with healing water and tropical park. Solemn approach to the main gate away from the sculptures of two serpents called Nagas. Should guard of honor of the giants, like Buddha. They lead to the giant South Gate of Angkor wat Thom. Over 10-foot portico towering four face the four cardinal points of stone heads depicting.
All capital is the work of the most prominent figure in the history of Angkor wat- brilliant statesman, military commander, and religious reformer.

Ever sat on the throne he quell hostility between the two warring Khmer dynasties - and Moonlight Mahidharapura. His next step is a religious reform by having to Buddhism in the empire "Mahayana." The cult of the God-man "Bodhisattva" comes well. And it is eyeing the god king of sculpture portraits.
King VII is a typical example of an iron fist in a velvet glove. Despite the adoption of Buddhism as state religion, he tolerate outgoing Hinduism and not touching his temples. Tolerate emigrated tyamski Zhri Vidanda commander, who won appreciation for his crown over Tyampa. For us of course most important is the construction of the great emperor. It builds from Angkor wat to the 900-mile Tyampa time to pass his troops. Surrounds the city with 30 km wall and a moat 100 meters wide, built reservoirs and hospitals.

The word "overwhelmed" is pale in the first impression. Chetiriliki stone towers are knit in a strange ensemble, which changes the silhouette with every move. Persons of Deity seemed monumental at times disappear and turn into ordinary pile of rocks, then suddenly emerge. The towers are 52 as there are weeks in the year. Composed in four-symmetry - forming a pyramidal structure in the center of which stands the main temple, 45 meters high on a huge relief has recreated the famous sea battle with Camilija that attack with their ships. It is astonishing that the ancient sculptor has captured even the scales of fishes near the board.
Sooner or later you leave here, but a long look back, attracted by magnetism of stone colossi.

Temple Industrial Kha hand is a perfect example of harmony between nature and civilization. Right in front are knit in two huge hug trees. This temple is one of the first buildings in the new capital of Angkor wat Thom. He is one of the first to get lost in the jungle after the decline of empire Angkor wat. When 600 years later Frenchmen Henri and Charles Myuo Karpo them discover the whole world gets the opportunity to admire the wild beauty of the lost world through the paintings of Louis Delaport. Interestingly, the restorers again tried to free the church from the iron embrace of trees. They are cut, pulled roots are huge walls, which are naturally collapsed and had to be rebuilt stone by stone.

The road runs along the river and is covered by a high wall rights. Suddenly - a sharp turn and end up in line with the central tower. Scales are actually amazing. Each facade of the temple is a long mile. The silhouette is memorable - a complex of three round towers, of which the average is highest. This silhouette is the emblem of Cambodia. They say that is oriented so that if you stand at the beginning of solemn promenade during the equinox, the sun at dawn landing right on top of the central tower.
Walk to the Angkor wat is surrounded by rhythmic repetitive images of giant Nagas, the way the process is long 240 meters wide and 12 m can not explain why the temple is facing west. Many archaeologists believe that it was built as a tomb. Others - like the temple of Vishnu. Likely to be performing both functions, and that of the ritual house, festival hall, a reception for foreign delegations and even fortification.
'70 Before VII to build Bayonne, on the throne Suryavarman II - one of the three great military leaders who led Angkorskata Empire to the size of almost all Indochina. It is he who in 1115 began construction of the temple pompous, sentenced to become one of newly discovered wonders of the world.

Angkor Wat is actually building . Most outside is surrounded by a rectangular one-story gallery with no peaks towers at the corners. In the middle of each wall has an input, as the chief - the west - is decorated with spider "royal balcony." After the royal entrance to the left and right first gallery is covered with huge relief panels. Left is the famous battle between the Devas (15 Hindu pantheon of deities) and demons (Asshur) for milk of immortality. On the other hand had caught a nuzzle characters from the Mahabharata. The battle spirit of divine dancers - Apsara.
Go through another gallery, and only now appears in all its splendor actual Angkor Wat - pyramid surmounted by nine towers in the three lines provided by all the familiar silhouette. To the top of her stairs lead. With a little imagination you can imagine the motley crowd, fighting elephants, religious rituals and colorful procession around the royal family. It is this approach parade Andre Malraux inspired to write his famous book "The Road of the King."
On parting in your mind all merged - and grand Angkor Wat, and striking a hug between civilization and nature in Kha change and Bayonne mysterious, and omniscient deity, smiling to surprise us.