Sinai monastery "St. Catherine "

Sinai monastery "St. Catherine "has always enjoyed a special status in God's providence has preserved intact through the centuries, despite the vicissitudes of time. As Queen Helena, the Emperor Justinian and became the benefactor and protector of the monastery in bush. In 521, he built thick walls, which encircle the buildings round about the monastery and sent troops to defend the monks. 2-3 m thick wall was built of granite blocks. It has dimensions of 75 meters west, north 88 meters, 75 meters to the east and south of 80 m and its height varies from 8 to 25 meters.
He built a large temple, the altar of which was recorded and the chapel of bush. Justinian also nave basilica was built of granite. She is measuring 40 by 19.20 meters and includes the chapels of blackberry, St. James, Sinai and the Holy Fathers. With 6 pairs of granite columns, each with different shaped capital, divide the temple area. Among them - wooden chairs, which the monks sit during the service. The dates from the early 17th century. Made in the Sinai of Crete. Precious and rare icons from different times hanging on the walls.

Vkraya of the VI century after the death of Emperor Justinian, in the apse of the temple was founded, probably by monks themselves, a beautiful mosaic depicting the Transfiguration of Christ - an image of that spiritual heights, which in the likeness of Christ and many of the brothers managed to reach alive through constant prayer of the heart. So the church began to call "Transfiguration of Christ."

In the VII century, when Muslims invaded these lands, conquered the Holy Land and Egypt, ravaged monasteries in these lands and killed the monks, the monastery remained intact. Picking it out of safe-conduct violations that personally gave Mohammed the monastery brotherhood.
Legend has it that in adolescence, when Mohammed traveled by caravan trade in these lands, was hosted by the hospitable monks in the monastery. So when, in 625, the abbot of the monastery sent a prophet in Medina delegation asking for protection, they brought by Mohammed that diploma. Sultan Selim I, conquering the Sinai in 1517, brought with him atinameto of Mohammed, and the monks left a copy, which still kept in the monastery.

In the early eleventh century the monastery was built mosque. This move prevented the defeat of the monastery, which kicks his fanatical caliph Hakim. Alerted by the Bedouins of the invasion, the brothers for three days only transformed one room into a mosque and the caliph, seeing the crescent, was forced to retreat.
Crusaders also had an addiction to this particular monastery. He created a special order, which guard the monastery and numerous pilgrims who flocked to the Middle Ages of Europe to worship the relics of St. Catherine. Saint became particularly revered throughout Christendom. It is these European pilgrims that the new name of the monastery "St. Catherine" (Santa Catarina).
In the thirteenth century the monastery began a heavy period for management who were ousted from the throne of Egypt by the Ottoman-Turks until 1517. During the Turkish rule, the monastery and its abbot again enjoyed a special status.
Russia sent twice a silver gilt with cancer of the relics of St. Ekaterina, in 1689 and 1860. With donations of Tsar Ivan the Terrible was built in 1582, the church of St. Catherine . The belfry of the monastery and the 9 bells are also contributions from Russian.

In the second half of the nineteenth century the monastery "St. Catherine "lost their property in Turkey, Romania, Russia ... Weak material, but spiritual role in the Christian world is preserved to this day.
More Fifth Ecumenical Council in 553, certain special status to the monastery, which was proclaimed autocephalous Orthodox Church of Sinai, regardless of run-Archbishop Abbot, trustee of the Holy Mountain of Sinai. The abbot is elected by the brotherhood of the monastery and episcopal hirotoniya on it is only the Patriarch of Jerusalem.
Daily worship takes place there, according to the Julian calendar. A pious monks not only kept precious heritage of the oldest in the world are icons and rare manuscripts, which number second only to the Vatican library, but precious spiritual treasure of the Orthodox tradition, preserved intact through the centuries, despite the vicissitudes of time.

Bush called "Neopalima" itself is a miracle. This shrub is the time of Moses, ie XV-XIII century BC and is the only of its kind in the entire Sinai Peninsula. Moreover, many times attempts have been made to be grafted onto other places, but nowhere is the interception. At Transfiguration Church has a chapel Neopalimata blackberry, which is the altar on the very roots of the bush. It comes barefoot in memory the words of God to Moses, "took off their feet because the place is holy" (Exodus 3:5).
Part of the tourist flow in the monastery is a pilgrimage of the relics of St. Catherine. All touching the relics of the martyrs monks give a souvenir silver ring. But we as Orthodox pilgrims did something different from ordinary tourists - went to worship.
At the foot of Horeb arrived at dusk. The bus stopped a few kilometers from the monastery to a nice hotel, which shocked the luxury in the context of the stony desert around it. From the spacious terrace of our room dark cliff of the mountain of Moses and drenched urban sprawl in the soft light monastery "St. Catherine "stood as a spectacular backdrop, adding another star to the category of our hotel.
We ate in the restaurant and retired to his room. Longer contemplate the monastery. So I listened and read about it! I never hoped that you will ever get there. It seemed as unreal.

My eyes now after the service, then slips over icons on the walls. Icons from VI-VII century hanging on nails on the walls of the temple. The same ones I've seen in expensive albums and naively believed to be stored somewhere locked and stable security. Famous mosaic of the Transfiguration of Christ is hidden behind a network because it is in the process of restoration and conservation. The feeling of unreality here is even stronger. As emissaries of Prince Vladimir I said, I do not know on earth have I been, or in heaven.
After the service, enter one by one in the chapel with the relics of St. Catherine. Give me something to numb hands when I offer hands for a blessing - the ring, which I've heard, but you forget the excitement.

Then we walked the labyrinth between the buildings. Supposedly everything is familiar, but somewhat less, more compact than I imagined it.
From time to time encounter busy figure of a monk or Bedouin. Bedouins in the monastery and around it are many. Strange is this deep connection between the local Bedouin population and the monastery brotherhood. Alexandria Patriarch Evtihiy (IX century) wrote that the Emperor Justinian sent 200 families from Pontus and Alexandria to the attendance of the monks. I have read and assumptions that the population around the monastery are descendants of the Roman wars of Justinian sent once to defend the monastery. I read that they worship the world and often Ekaterina girls baptized on their behalf, that participate in the annual celebrations of the place where the relics were discovered, they alerted the monks to hostile attacks. I do not know how all this is true, but that the Bedouins are an integral part of life in the monastery, I was convinced with my own eyes.
One of these characters invites us to follow him and we followed him trustingly. Rewarded for their confidence, we find ourselves in the ossuary of the monastery. Neatly stacked piles of skulls and bones in. .. imperishable relics of the blessed Stephen Saint Catherine, dressed in his robe , silenced in the infinite silent prayer.
Hush before that testimony to immortality and eternal life, but again I can not believe I'm here and see what my eyes see!
Walk a while and asked us to leave the monastery. The hour has come for the entry of tourists. Come out for minutes beyond the walls of his home as to buy books from shops in front. Then go to all other groups speaking different languages. As Babylon overcrowding. This time is different. A quick glance and beat until you go, find themselves out.
Once again I am convinced - outside the monasteries monasteries time visitors.