The Magic of Barcelona

My favorite is this year round .... Seth Godin. And not to be afflicted with thinking what to give her, they decided to go to Barcelona. Paris was also an option, but there would have been better to leave with our daughter (Disneyland!), but it is still small, so let it travel further. But Barcelona were all first place emerged as an idea when he said at home that I am entitled to two free air tickets to Europe (very good patronize airlines from Star Alliance).
The tickets were booked, hotel reservations made and paid vouchers and Thursday 19th and May flew via Frankfurt to Barcelona. Frankfurt is a monstrously huge airport, which can not be lost. Transfers went smoothly, the passage of the Schengen border - without a single issue (when I'm on a trip I usually unlay of cake, but this time - just hit the seals and it was).
From Frankfurt we flew a Boeing 737, the weather was lovely, we went over Geneva, Marseille now and then fly across the Mediterranean: but it is so blue, so blue .... The color of the sea (sorry for the trite expression) is incredibly blue! When you start landing, the plane flew parallel to the shore, saw villages, resorts, large and small ships and an endless blue (not to say azure) Sea. Just over Barcelona visible and larger vessels entering and leaving the port. The airport is located south of the city has three major terminals and visual is greater than the future Sofia Airport. If landing at Barcelona bear in mind the following feature - luggage from different terminals are given in different places, If you need to get off at Terminal C baggage will pull it out at the baggage belt at Terminal C - the question is whether you know go down to the terminal. And as you exit the plane to get to the three terminals. With us just as it happened, we descended, we have no idea where we are and pointers storage started somewhere, we went from the security zone and came across conveyor belts and see if there is an inscription on the plane from Frankfurt, but would not .... I look is, and it appears that the Lufthansa baggage is given to the other terminal.

They Ascension your bride, we are already out of the security zone and we can not go back!
My slight concern was softened by the thought that not everything in the European Union is regulated in Germany, ie Bulgarians and we have room in it ;-). I really can not imagine a similar situation in the Federal Republic. They even do not know German and do not want will go through the required output, just taking your luggage. But the following can not happen between the Rhine and the Oder: the information went to ask what to do, the girl laughed, half-understood word in what situation we (do not think we are first and told us to just go to the other terminal to say that our baggage inside and .... Our police officers put back! (this can also happen in Germany!) luggage and went in a fresh tempo going out: Blue, cloudless skies and palm trees, palms, palm trees! Then it turned out that there are other trees, but the first impression is your first impression :-)
is one of the most important in economic terms cities of Spain. Currently counts 1.6 million inhabitants and the surrounding settlements reached 3 million. Situated on the Mediterranean coast, the last spurs of the Pyrenees. Barcelona is a major city
Catalonia - a historic area

in contemporary Spain, united at the time of Isabella of Castile at the end of XV century, in other words, shortly before the discovery of America. Before that Catalonia was part of the Kingdom of Aragon. Catalans are not considered Hispanic, but a separate nation with its own language. Regulatory Catalan is the end of XIX century. In my humble opinion is the language somewhere between Spanish and French (forgive me if I say things unchecked, but as I said in my humble opinion ....) All the captions are bilingual. The airport was first Catalan, in the middle - English, Spanish is at the bottom. Now do not you think something: Spanish and Catalan are the same size, and English captions are downright tiny. The town was established on ancient Greek colony, which in turn has made port. It found there, which is today and can say that the city has evolved around it. The Romans conquered the city and has long been an important port of the Roman Empire. In the Middle Ages, Barcelona is part of the Kingdom of Aragon. After Konkistata city began to gain economic power and to the XIX century is one of the most economically developed cities in Spain. Beginning of civil war in Spain but everything else is marked with a declaration of an independent Republic of Catalonia (except Madrid). Contemporary Spain has overcome this antagonism and it can be assumed that there is a significant problem in this regard.
From Barcelona airport to city

can be reached by bus or train, but we took the taxi - they are queuing for customers, and customers are queuing for taxis and pretty quickly. Cars are the same orange-black colors and are equipped with a navigation system and the prices are not something I saw Bo-just knowledge: from the airport to downtown is about 20-25 euros. Rotate the meter, but the initial charge, her charge at the end. Movement (it was 7 o'clock in the evening) was very intense, but! as is immediately apparent: stop at pedestrian crossings at all intersections and no other behaviors known to us the way! I expected that it would make a crazy, but no such: all belts were on the footpath stopped by law, no horns or a manifestation of impatience to pedestrians. I really did not make comparisons with Bulgaria, because sometimes I try to drive it in Sofia, nooooo ... ... poor pedestrians are wondering what to make them give way, then I started honking and any non-normative vocabulary.
The hotel is located in the center of the Diagonal Avenue - but what to do, the city is a perfect perpendicular streets and only one is a bit of Kesteren called Diagonal. Actually this is the longest (14 km) and most important boulevard of the city. There is another street (ie the other diagonal), but it is called Meridian. It even has a North-South. Well, as you can guess my hotel was on Fifth Avenue kind in New York - the main street connecting the main parts of the city, which was very convenient for people going to walk around an unfamiliar city. When registering at the hotel I felt that I could feel at home: the girl at reception give my little name absolutely true and no mistake! Outside the triangle Sofia-Belgrade-Ohrid not happened to me! Long time my German colleagues even thought that my family is Stoicho, not least my name and how it decision in the beginning, not true! A girl in Barcelona at the reception clear rule "Stoicho" account. Naturally, very glad, and she said it, and she mentioned that ever had a player in the local club with a similar name ;-) Well, this player for me is an example of life, but I thank him for that
The next three days were devoted to tours and sightseeing visits, museums, stadiums and whatnot.
Barcelona is ideal for travelers organized city.

From Plaça Catalunya (central square, so to speak the heart of the city) leave buses that circle the city sights on three routes: red, blue and green. On them from 8 am to 8 pm decker bus go round every few minutes, stop at special stations (marked with a stylized eye). In the local bus tour guides explain in Spanish and someone else (Anglo-French-German) language where it goes and where it will be the next stop. One can go down to examine the Sagrada Familia and the instance to return the station to get on a bus the next. Such a system exists in Vienna, however, the story you listen to the recording and a lot more languages. But in Barcelona, one can take a ticket for two days for Bus turistik and this time around everything. The price is 17 euros for one or 21 for two days (Vienna is the hour).
Tip: you take two days - one day will only have time to ride the bus, not something you can go the route.
Be applied to tickets and booklet describing the routes, all stops and sights along them with basic information (already 6-7 languages and in sufficient detail). For all the stops noted in which objects (museums, restaurants, etc.) around them you can use the discounts. Oh, and show tickets for Bus turistik, you can use the discounts (between 10 and 30%) of the cost of visiting museums and other sites (incl. restaurants).

There is another reason to get a ticket for two days tour bus: routes circling almost the whole city and become a perfect substitute for public transport :-) Tickets can be bought inside the bus or tourist information pl.Kataloniya. This system should be introduced in Sofia. This is one of the things from a port city with not very! real attractions are the city did that necessarily must be visited, ie ranks number one in Vienna, Paris, Amsterdam and New York. There is another company that makes these tours (orange buses), but for unknown reasons then for me, they are seeing fewer people than in colorful decker bus of the Tourist Organization of Barcelona. The strange thing was that those who we ride, there are more people, although the orange buses were audiogidove in 6 languages, and in the colorful - mostly in Spanish and another language (known as tour guide ;-), and they not talking very much. I returned to Bulgaria, pozarovih the Internet and realized why: the price is 1 euro higher orbit on the three routes at once (ie they are three separate lines, and one large), but most importantly: no offer discounts for museums. Well, everyone can assess your - I guess if you have only one day in Barcelona, will prefer the orange bus to look at everything at once, and there still explain in more languages.
The two main attractions of Barcelona wire feed can be seen associated with
Architect Gaudi (stressed on the last syllable).

On the inside of the cathedral can be seen more easily floral motifs that fill the entire interior and exterior space. Gaudi used ornamental, like plants (supporting columns are like trees) and all building in this style. Crosses above the towers, but rather have flowers that resemble crosses. It is really beautiful and in 2035g (when you need to be completed) Department would be really something remarkable. The crypt has a small museum of Gaudi, where you can see current and sculptors who izrabotavat elements of the structure.
Another work of Gaudi, Park Güell namely,
I think it's most intriguing sights of Barcelona. To him, and the cathedral can be reached by the red line Bus turistik. The park is not very large. He was a garden of Count Güell, Gaudi whose order is taken with his device. Received was from a fantasy level, transitions, bridges, fountains, sculptures! The park is full of visitors, entrance is free, there are a couple of cafes and generally very nice place. We were until it was full of children who were apparently took them an hour of painting. There were groups that were apparently on a trip. Detail: all students and children from kindergartens have uniforms. In the 30s of XX century the count gave the city park.
Beautiful views of the city is revealed from
Tibidabo Amusement Park.
It is the highest point in town. There are just a blue you climb a steep street in a movie like San Francisco. When finished tram transferring at who did climb almost vertically, until it reaches the top. There, besides Tibidabo amusement park, and is a cathedral which is visible from anywhere in the city. Magnificent!
The next day we visited was
Nou Camp Stadium
Ticket includes entrance to the museum and visit the stands. On one stadium I'd even gone to the match!

Ticket includes entrance to the museum and visit the stands. On one stadium I'd even gone to the match!
The museum has exposed one of Stoichkov.E shirt, not just his - do not think this is a museum Stoichkov? There were Maradona and a few more whose names I did not say anything, but I understand that not very much interested in football. One can shoot a buy (kill me, but I do not know whether it is from the UEFA Champions League - should be very popular Cup because the photographer worked continuously). Much of the exposition is dedicated to basketball and volleyball team Barcelona.
To exit the store must go through the shops for souvenirs. And Sagrada familia is the same organization
Red route passes through several picturesque neighborhood of Barcelona. We got in
Sarah - just get into Spanish film:
some narrow streets, cafes, strolling casually people heat. They felt what I imagine at least the word Spain.
The next day was devoted to visits to several museums and the port. Please use the blue tourist bus route.
Natural History Museum of Catalan Art:
Log worth. Located on the hill
Around the Olympic Stadium (remember how you lit the fire in 1992, eh?) And one or two museums. In
Museum of Catalan Art History
major eras are represented, beginning with the Romance (t.e.ranno-medieval) art, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque halls there, and new impressionism, photography and contemporary sculpture. There are works of Velazquez and Rubens, maybe not very well known things. To admit I liked most Romance art and photography. The museum is worth a longer visit. And do not think that people around you understand what you see: people have painted pictures, not for anyone to understand and to influence you! Look, see something you like, otherwise - no, but be sure that there are one or two things that will excite you!
Another museum that day was nearby
exposure to the Joan Miro Foundation
(Locals pronounce it or Joan Miro, Jean). Well, this is a true modern art.
If I try to tell you what works will get into a situation of someone trying to explain what the German-tripe soup or tarator (diluted yogurt with cucumbers and garlic .... The German at this point falls in shock: how can to eat such a thing!). Well, you know yourself, that both are among the most delicious things in Bulgarian cuisine.
After this moral training I will be able to tell you some pictures: there is one that is 3 to 4 meter (eyes, I'm not Meryl) and from top to bottom in the left half has drawn a curve with an approximate width of 1 mm. That's
Another picture (again, large) is a blank canvas, which is obviously pelted with buckets of black paint. And yes, there are three red brush strokes with your finger. Others are little understood in the sense that three or four colored spots (bright) are interwoven into each other.
Now trust you will accept that the paintings are vibrant and worth the money for entrance. Jump is a great time! If you travel to the port after Joan Miro Foundation, be prepared with cameras, because after you exit the tunnel (the path passing through) takes you over
port Braselona
and that of the passenger terminal: big white ship full of people traveling to everywhere! So we got to port. Barcelona has made of her (it's called "Welt") a nice place for walking, except where ships can be seen a couple of museums (History of Catalonia, marine), a multiplex cinema with three-dimensional, Aquarium (who once was back in Sofia asked me whether I visited), which on an underwater tunnel as it passes along the bottom of the sea, and over your head sharks, other fish ;-) Pope, restaurants.
Port teeming with people, how many boats there! You're watching F1 in Monte Carlo?

major eras are represented, beginning with the Romance (t.e.ranno-Wed
1. Barcelona should visit
2. Spain deserves a longer visit and at least one major tour - has a long history with many different cultural influences. It is also a good example of how the normal side (t.e.yuzhnyashka) can be part of the European Union.
3. I want to learn Spanish
4. Vkl.hranitelnite stores are open on weekends
5. Prices in shops are as Bulgarian, if instead lv.napishesh euros. Eating in a restaurant is more expensive than in Germany (15 euros is an absolute minimum, while in Germany I and 10-12). Comparison may not be very correct, because in Germany I'm mostly in the countryside, while Barcelona is a large and tourist town. Prices in the menu do not include VAT, so I keep in mind. Prices in the cafes are twice lower than Germany, where coffee for less than 2 euros in May will, in Barcelona - even the airport was 1 euro. Taxis are approximately euro per kilometer. The initial fee charged in January to the end before you pay. Museums prices were between 6 and 8 euros. The aquarium is 14 - so it missed and went to History of Catalonia - it is 2 euros, but it is one of the most interesting museums in town.
6. The kitchen is nice, the beer also sangria not try because I did not like visually (look at the neighboring tables ;-)) - put some fruit, and this heat, and these sweet spirits - not risked. Coffee is also good as the espresso is divided and America (filter)
7. Spaniards are very nice and helpful. The language is bad (and I think do not have), but are always ready to help - while slop about the city and opened the card came to help us without being asked someone. He spoke Spanish, we are in Bulgarian (was meaningless in English or German - testing) - and we agreed.
8. Many cultural drivers are already mentioned that I expected scorch, but only pedestrians crossing on red (and mass), but embark on a car - the belt, stopping the walkway and all - as it should be.
9. With palm trees in the streets and live parrots.
10. After lunch (between 1 and 4 hours) is hidden in a museum or restaurant with air conditioning. While we were there the temperature did not lift more than 26 degrees, but the afternoon sun napicha. At that time the movement of cars on the street decreased. Rush hour in contrast, is at 8 pm.
11. The planning budget was EUR 100 per day - you spent it right without having to worry or limitations, but without discharges.
12. Advertising moment: Flying with Lufthansa, hotel reservation and paid the company in Sofia Kalina, the hotel said Covadonga *** (€ 138 double room per night with breakfast)