The Pyramid of Khafre

Suppose that the pyramids already existed and the three kings are simply indicated the monuments located within their territory, their property, rights are repairs and they have built a total of six smaller pyramids around the three big for them and their families. It is this history is described in the stealth of Khufu. What would happen in this scenario?

Conservative scholars support the thesis that the pyramids were developed through evolution. In fact, the first and second dynasties, pharaohs were buried in mastabi, rectangular structures with slightly angled walls, built on the underground chambers. What has puzzled archaeologists, is that each of the first rulers of Egypt had not one but two mastabi, respectively, one in Abydos and Zachary. One of them served as senotaf (monument, cenotaph of person buried elsewhere). The reason for this early practice is not yet known.

Remarkably, he continues to mimic the Djoser pyramid, leaving the tomb empty. The pyramid is actually a mummy found by foot, but the method of warping shows that it is far later period. Total sixty mummies were found in and around the pyramid of Djoser, but all were at least 1500. later than the Third Dynasty.Pharaoh Djoser then, Sekhemket also tried to build a pyramid, but it seems it was never completed and is now a pile of rubble. However, archaeologists are alabaster sarcophagus in the underground shafts. He was also empty.

The most ambitious great Pyramid of the Third Dynasty was Snofru. He built three monument and there is reason to believe that he has tried to copy the three pyramids of Giza. He was very close to his goal as his pyramid contained two thirds of the stones of the Great Pyramid and covers 90 percent of her area during the construction of the pyramid is a mistake. The initial angle was found to be too big and engineers opitvayni to rescue the project changed dramatically corner of the pyramid. This error is probably due to the fact that no access to the ceiling of the main chamber of the Great Pyramid (which is unique, made to withstand and distribute the weight of thousands of tons of stone above), Snofru engineers could not make his camera durable enough. Another difference between the pyramids is that the stone processing work done by Djoser is very rough compared to that performed on the plateau of Giza.
Snofru was the last ruler of the Third Dynasty, and the first pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty is Khufu. It turns out that Egyptian architects and engineers were suddenly overcome all obstacles and difficulties in the construction of the pyramids and made the pyramids at Giza. But the monuments of Giza still rise majestically, showing clearly that has nothing to do with the other Egyptian pyramids.
First, only the pyramids of Giza have shafts and chambers so high above the ground. All others are underground chambers or chambers, located close to the ground. These cameras are copies of the lower chamber, discovered by the Egyptians. Other pyramids have cameras high above the ground because they were unaware of the existence of such pyramids of Giza in.Second, only the three pyramids of Giza are oriented in exactly the four cardinal points, indicating a highly developed science (not just a compass would work because there is a difference between magnetic and geographic North Pole).Third, only the pyramids at Giza were built with such precision, combined with the use of huge stone blocks, which enables the achievement of this gigantic size. In the second and third pyramid blocks are smaller and less precisely placed, but they enough of the other Egyptian pyramids to put in the category of the Great Pyramid.Fourth, the monuments of Giza were built in a completely different design from the other pyramids. William Fix, in his "Odyssey of the pyramids," writes: "Since the other pyramids are built of much smaller blocks, they are built as sequences of blocks with multiple bearing walls, which provide adhesion between the rocks and who show a stable structure. Pyramids of Giza no interior walls. sheer size of the blocks provide the necessary stability. These characteristics show excellent craftsmanship and imply a higher technical culture applications in the construction of other Egyptian pyramids.Fifthly, unlike all other pyramids built before and after the presumed date 2700g, none of the pyramids at Giza contains no religious symbols or pictures in your camera (already explained why the inscriptions in the Great Pyramid are fakes).
According to conservative scholars pyramids at Giza were built as tombs for pharaohs of the three Fourth Dynasty. However, it found no bodies or remains of mummies in the pyramids. Kamepata of Pharaoh the Great Pyramid was found completely empty except for a stone box, which also was empty. In camera Beltsoni under the second pyramid, also was found empty stone box. In 1878 a sarcophagus with a mummy found in the third pyramid. Although the sarcophagus and mummy buried in their journey by sea to the British Museum, we have pieces of it, but dated by radiocarbon analysis, appear to be from 500 to 0 BC.It is becoming increasingly clear that the three Pharaohs, which is believed to have built the pyramids, they just put out a property, giving up attempts to replicate the structures, as the Pharaohs before them. There are several smaller pyramids around the big three, who were probably built by the pharaohs, but today there are only ruins because of their poor construction. According to ancient legends Stella and Pharaohs have only carried out remedial work on the pyramids, but it had nothing to do with their construction.
Menkaura (Mikerin), the last ruler of the Fourth Dynasty. According to historians, the beginning of the Fifth Dynasty, the Egyptians returned to their old crude, inaccurate and inefficient methods and designs that appear in the Fourth Dynasty pyramids before. The first pharaoh of the Fifth Dynasty, Shepeskaf not built anything more than for his mastaba tomb. Ruler after him Uzerkaf, built his pyramid nekachstveno so that today it is only a pile of stones and rubble. The next three Pharaohs also attempted to build three pyramids at Abu Cyr, again copying Giza, but it could not reach the size of the three pyramids at Giza Pyramids and today their are also piles of rubble. The same is repeated in the Sixth and Thirteenth Dynasty, and then stop the construction of pyramids. 23 larger pyramids were built after the Fourth Dynasty, but each is built recklessly, with little concern for accuracy and using much smaller blocks that were not more than roughly shaped square stones. By law we can ask: if the three pyramids at Giza were built during the Fourth Dynasty, what happened then with the advanced knowledge and skills of the Egyptians, why they are not used in any of the later pyramids?
Uliam Fix concludes: "very basic differences between the three pyramids at Giza and other Egyptian monuments show that they do not fit the proposed chronology for dynastic Egypt.No if they are not of dynastic Egypt, then the only possible direction in which it can move time to build them back in the past. "In fact the pyramids of Giza are not part of the evolutionary development of the Egyptian pyramids. They existed from the beginning, the motivation and impact incite the construction of pyramids along the Nile in dynastic Egypt.