Fortress of Trier Porta Nigro

 Fortress of Trier Porta Nigro is a unique historical monument from the Roman era, which today represents a unique connection to the modern German city of Trier with its historical past. Extremely well preserved Porta Nigro is arguably the most historic landmark in Trier, and the largest Roman gate, which can be seen north of the Alps.

Trier is considered the oldest city in Germany and as such has long history which has bequeathed generations of these great monuments. Porta Nigro in Trier listed as a World Historical nalsedstvo of UNESCO, together with the Cathedral of Trier, which is considered the oldest Catholic church in the country.

Porta Nigro is the most ancient defensive structure in Germany. It was built about 180 years AD, when the entire Roman city was surrounded by fortified walls. In those ancient times Trier became a Roman colony from the 1st century sl.n.e and early second century established itself as a major commercial center of the field. Trier led by Fortress Gate Nigro became one of the capitals of the Roman Empire around the end of the third century, and parallel mining glory, as it was called the "Second Rome".
 Porta Nigro is one of four Roman gates, still can be seen in Trier. Along with the other three are spoiled because the stone blocks and steel in their construction. The very name of Porta Nigro (Black Door) comes from the Middle Ages, when the inhabitants of Trier had named so because of the dark color of the rocks from which it was built.

Porta Nigro, unlike the unhappy fate of the other three city gates, remains intact, because it was used as the modest residence of a hermit monk named Simeon for seven years between 1028 and 1035. After the death of the monk Simeon Porta Nigro was converted into a church on two floors and named Saint-Simeon otshenik himself was buried in the temple.
The upper floor of Porta Nigro was used for the cloisters, and served as a liturgical dolniyato cloister. With the advent of Napoleon around 1803, the church in Porta Nigro was destroyed, with any part of the structure itself of the Roman gate. Dating from the 12th century Romanesque apse, however, survived and later Porta Nigro has been restored to the form which was in the Middle Ages.

Porta Nigro impresses with its design. It is only izdiganat of sandstone blocks, sandwiched with metal rods. No mortar, and each of the blocks weighing up to about six tons. Porta Nigro length reaches 118 feet, 70, 5 feet wide, and the whole building has a height of 90 feet. Today Porta Nigro has the status of a museum and visitors can see the remains of the former monastery of St. Simeon.
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