Republic of Ireland

 Republic of Ireland, known as Ireland, a country in northwest Europe that occupies about five sixths of the island of Ireland. The remaining one-sixth is occupied by Northern Ireland, which is part of Great Britain and Northern IrelandRepublic of Ireland was inhabited by almost 7000 years, for centuries, this country has experienced many invasions and incursions, with the result that today there are a variety of mixed origin, culture and traditions. 6.5% of Irish origin from EU countries, the rest are Africans, Americans and a small number of Chinese. Almost all belong to Christian denominations, there are small groups of Jews and Muslims (the latter especially among African immigrants). The official languages ​​of the  Republic of Ireland are Irish and English, but English was able to have in every sphere of life, therefore, believe that a large percentage are English-speaking or even 100%. Irish is still the first language for only so-called Gaeltacht - regions where Celtic dominated (mainly areas on the west coast of Ireland).
Culture of the Republic of Ireland is the Celtic-Romanesque with some German influence. Irish traditional folk music and dances are also very popular.
 Mid-20th century, when Irish society and the Republic of Ireland is trying to modernize the traditional music began to lose its popularity, especially in urban areas. 60s, under the influence of American folk music, interest in Irish folk music was revived. 70s and 80s the difference between folk and rock music are blurring thanks to the many performers who often go from one to another style, taking it quite normal.
 Irish cuisine is distinguished by simplicity and practicality.
 From the most popular meats are beef and pork, and veal in the Middle Ages were rich food and pork - for the poor people of Ireland. Are widespread and fish and marine products.
 The undisputed leader among the vegetables are potatoes, are also popular and cabbage and turnips. Known in the culinary world is Irish breakfast consisting of fried or roasted meat, bacon, egg, sausage, fried tomatoes, fried potatoes and white or black puding.Traditsionni dishes in the Republic of Ireland : Potato cakes Fadge, Baked Salmon, Irish pudding (Drisheen), pies with smoked haddock.

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