Alhambra Castle


 Alhambra Castle is one of the oldest palace complex in Spain. Alhambra Castle is a supreme architectural achievement of Moorish culture and style. Alhambra Castle Castle is located in Granada, which is locked into three relatively hill and around them rises the Sierra Nevada. It is south of the country and the region is Andalusia.
 Just above the town is located and the palace Alhambra Castle, which is one of the most common tourist destinations in Spain. Alhambra name literally translates from Arabic "red fortress". It dates from 1238, but this time the Iberian Peninsula ended centuries of struggle of Christians otvoyuvane the Spanish lands from the Arabs, known in history under the name of Reconquista. Here in the Alhambra Castle ruler of Granada found something like eternal peace and harmony.
 Different parts of the Alhambra Castle were built in different centuries, but most of which today are preserved, dating from the 14th century and after the central entrance of architectural door today is justice, which rises above the Tower of Justice. It was built by Yusuf I in 1348, as evidenced by the inscriptions on the walls.

Big horseshoe arch is one of the main building blocks of the tower. On an irregular quadrilateral is carved marble hand. According to some researchers, its use is associated with local superstitions - Alhambra Castle protects the castle from evil spirits and evil eyes.

 Although Islam forbids the depiction of human and animal figures, the complex is richly decorated with geometric, floral and classical Arabic calligraphy.That the facade of the tower is hollow in which is placed a statue of the Virgin Mary with the infant. With its 45 m tower Komares is the highest in the Although Islam forbids the depiction of human and animal figures, the complex is richly decorated with geometric, floral and classical Arabic calligraphy. Udivitelnoe is that the facade of the tower is hollow in which is placed a statue of the Virgin Mary with the infant. With its 45 m tower Komares is the highest in the Alhambra Castle.. The entire interior of the Alhambra Castle was occupied by the Throne Hall, also known as "Hall of Ambassadors."

Opposite the entrance to this magnificent hall was located throne of the masters of Granada and Alhambra Castle. Throughout the Alhambra Castle can be seen fountains and pools. In the so-called martyrs yard is located a unique model pool, which is a typical example of Moorish architecture. All around it is beautiful columns and arches.

You should know that daily visits to the Alhambra Castle are limited in number. Entrance tickets sold are small and therefore it is better to book in advance.
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