
Liverpool is a major port city located on the northwest coast of England and the administrative center of the Merseyside. Liverpool is the fourth largest city in the UK, with a population (Census 2001) of 435 000 inhabitants and residents of the wider urban agglomeration are more than 800,000 inhabitants.

In place of today's Liverpool in 1190. there was a village named Liverpool - 'cloudy pond'. In 1207g. King John granted a charter Bezzemni, which provides this site to create a city. But he long remained very small - in the middle of the 16th century numbered only 500 inhabitants. After the construction of Liverpool Castle, growing importance as a port city and is connected its industrialization and growth as a town center. In the early 19th century 40% of world trade passes through the docks at the port of Liverpool, which contributes to its growth as a city and sprout a prestigious architecture, demonstrating the consistency of the population. In 1864, architect Peter Ellis built the first office building orientation Chambers - praobraz of skyscrapers. Liverpool attracts hundreds of thousands of Irishmen. In the mid-19th century about a quarter of the population of Liverpool was Irish. In the first half of the 20th century Liverpool became a center of attraction for immigrants from Europe.

During World War II Liverpool is the subject of eighty air attacks and suffered significant damage (about half the buildings in the area affected), and human sacrifices. After the war unfolds extensive rehabilitation program.

 Undoubtedly, the reputation of Liverpool as a tourist destination is associated with that city was the birthplace of the "Beatles" - "Liverpool City Four." Benefiting from the popularity of rock groups from the 60s of last century, and of his famous art galleries and museums of world significance, Liverpool rely heavily on tourism. The city boasts cultural attractions, many of which have been declared World Heritage Site in 2004 In 2007 Liverpool celebrates its 800th anniversary and in 2008 he became the next European Capital of Culture together with the Norwegian city of Stavanger. The main celebrations are in the autumn of 2008 and one of the most memorable attractions is the "Princess" - fifteen foot mechanical spider, heavy thirty-seven tons. This peculiar piece of modern art represents "eight foot" Liverpool: honor, history, music, Mercy River, port management, sun and culture.

The history of Liverpool has left a mark on expressive its diverse architectural styles. While some of the most impressive buildings date from the 13th century, architectural heritage has been formed mostly during the last two centuries. Pride of Liverpool are civil and commercial buildings - the headquarters of shipping and insurance companies. Over 2,500 buildings are marked by monuments. A significant part of the city's architecture slednovekovnata not resisted until today. Samples of architecture from the era of Queen Elizabeth or the Tudors testify to the spirit of his time. During the 16th century mansion was built by Hal Spica period Tudors, which is located in the southern part of town. Groksted Hall is another large mansion of the same age. Its construction began in the 16th century, but was completed almost two centuries later. Therefore, the building is a mix of different styles: from the age of Queen Anne, Elizabethan style, and King George.

Liverpool parish church "St. Mary and St. Nicholas' is popular as a "church of seafarers", which existed from 1257 onwards. The building of the Liverpool town hall dates from the 18th century and is one of the best known landmarks. Curious traveler can see numerous examples of Victorian architecture in Liverpool. The twentieth century also contributed to the modern architectural skyline of Liverpool.

Liverpool is a city of inventions and innovations. In 1830 the Liverpool and Manchester became the first cities that are connected by interurban rail line. Ferry, rail, ocean steamers, electric tram and helicopters - Liverpool is pioneering importance in turning them into means of mass transportation. Iconic automobile brands are manufactured in Liverpool: Jaguar Land Rover Freelander and.

The development of tourism in Liverpool and leads to the supply of high quality tourist services: hotels, restaurants and clubs. The architecture of the town regularly attracts filmmakers and the city is the second most filmed city in the UK. In Liverpool the big ships can drop anchor in the city center. Huge vessels attract crowded on sunny days human crowds.

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