Bath Town England

Bath Town
 City of Bath (Bath Town) is located 160 miles west of London ', in Somerset County (Somerset) and 21 km southeast of Bristol (Bristol). In Bath live less then 100,000 people annually in the town but millions of tourists come from around the world. The reason for this lies in the enormous historic and architectural potential of today's heritage of Bath. Here you can see monuments like the Roman baths in the city center, and prime magnificent building known as the Royal Crescent and many more other attractions. Bath today because of them included in the UNESCO list of world historical and cultural heritage.
A long time town of Bath is one of the most popular destinations for British cultural tourism. The road from London to Bath city is only two hours by train and little more than one drive. This place can give you something different and much bigger than transient impressions over the historic city. In the atmosphere of the town felt that this story is entrenched with deep roots and the complexity of their multiple character and has no intention to leave.

 The history of Bath begins more than 2000 years ago, when settlement occurs as a spa complex due to the healing properties of holy spring, flanked by Roman baths. BC town of Bath was known as Aquae Sulis, or waters of Sulis, which is actually the Roman goddess Minerva. Ancient Romans built baths and a temple of the surrounding hills in the valley of the River Avon. The uniqueness of the place comes from the hot springs, which are the only naturally occurring within the United Kingdom. To this day the Roman baths in Bath are unique and priceless antiquity of England.
It is believed that the temple was built 60-70 years during the Roman occupation of Britain. The complex of baths are built over the next 300 years. The village itself is supposed to be protected by a fence wall somewhere in the 3rd century, and in 5, when the Romans withdrew in the first decade, the Roman baths in Bath are neglected and ultimately remain below ground level due to sediment.

 In the 18th and the end of the 19th century Bath became the county town. From then until 1996 he enters into the composition of the western county of Avon (Avon). Even in the 18th century, Bath became one of England's cultural centers. At that time appear beautiful architectural models at the Royal Theatre, Royal Crescent, Royal Circus and others.

 Uniquely beautiful and the bridge is Palteni (Pulteney Bridge). Built in 1773, this bridge over the River Avon is one of four in the world in which there are facilities and shops ravnodelno both his flanks. Be sure to walk over the bridge and visit some of the many flower shops, souvenirs, antiques or drink something in locals bars.
In 1830 the city of 11-year-old Princess Victoria opened the Royal Park bearing its name, which today is one of the most pleasant and peaceful places in Bad. Situated near the central part of Royal Park attracts visitors with its many attractions - there's a skateboard ramp, tennis courts, bowling, vast meadows that allow practicing golf. Often there are concerts held outdoors, a beautiful lake provides a peaceful completion of this natural miniature.

 In the city of Bath has several interesting museums that will take you through the history of the area, the city and the traditions of its inhabitants. If you do want to relax can visit one of the many cafes, restaurants or bars. Quite often in the town are held various festivals. The town is popular with one particular kind of muffins that are more than culinary. Traditionally, Sally Lunn buns - snacks are prepared in Bath since the 18th century, first mentioned in local newspaper in 1172. Typically, these delicious muffins can eat sweet or salty with different toppings.

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