USS Arizonase Memorial located in Pearl Harbor in Honolulu

 USS Arizonase Memorial located in Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. It was built in honor of the place where 1177 people died on the seventh December 1941 at Pearl Harbor.

The memorial, which follows the format of this place submerged huge battleship, attracts a huge amount of tourists from around the world each year.

Memorial has a place to do ceremonies, and a room where a marble wall engraved names of all who died in this place. The windows in the central part are twenty-one in number - the number of salute in honor of fallen American soldiers.

During the famous battle ship was Arizona, which has suffered most from attacks of enemies that are expressed in the eight hundred pound bombs.

The last of the four giant cast on the ship bombs it split in two, which led to its sinking and the deaths of so many American military. The memorial was designed to recall the heroism of those who died during this attack.
 Ideas for building the memorial came back in 1943, but only seven years later were taken decisive steps to create it.

At that time the place where the ship was sunk Arizona, was built Flagpoles, which may be displayed to remind everyone about the heroism of the fighters. President Dwight D. Eisenhower (Dwight Eisenhower) ordered to establish a memorial in 1958, and finalized the design happened three years later - in 1961.

To build a memorial Arizona, were used cash collected in two ways - by donations from individuals and from Congress. Arizona Memorial is a project created by the architect Alfred Price (Alfred Preis), who wanted his creation to inspire a sense of victory, and sorrow for the untimely death of the dead men who gave their lives for this battle became an important part of American history.
 Each year the Arizona Memorial is visited by more than one million tourists who are attracted by the opportunity to feel the spirit of this historic place. Until the memorial can be reached in only one way - by boat. The floor of the building allowed to see the ruins of a submerged ship lying directly beneath it. To express their homage to those killed in the victory, the tourists have the custom to throw flowers into the water.

Tourists who visit the Arizona Memorial can examine in detail one of the three huge anchors that once held the historic ship in one place. Tourists can also see one of the ships' bells, which were two.
The building has a small plaque on which are inscribed the names of over thirty of the ship Arizona, which managed to survive the attack on the ship.

In fact, Arizona memorial is actually going U.S. military cemetery. In tribute to the ship and the crew who gave their lives in the historic battle over the memorial is waving American flag.

Even today the place where the tragedy unfolded for so American families can see patches of fuel remaining fuel from the submerged ship. These spots, which can be seen on the surface of water are known as the tears of Arizona, and also like black tears. Thus, even the ocean cries of the dead soldiers in this place.
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