Les Invalides Paris

 House of Invalids (Les Invalides) is a place in Paris, France. It represents several buildings together in a whole complex of monuments military history. House of Invalids was originally intended for the treatment and rehabilitation of veterans.

In the House of disabled military museum is located in the French army, and the museum of modern history. The place is known mostly by the fact that here were buried in one of the greatest Frenchmen who were heroes and the various wars. Among those buried here is the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

The idea of ​​building the House of Invalids belonging to King Louis XIV (Louis XIV). In 1670 he started the construction of a home for sick soldiers. The original name of the building and the whole complex was Hospital of Invalids, but gradually became known as the House of Invalids. Design of the complex belongs to the architect Liberal Bruan (Libéral Bruant). In 1676 his project was recreated in reality. The complex had several major sites, one of which was used for military parades.
 At that time, veterans have complained that they had no chapel to pray. Then Bruan was supported by the architect Jules Arduino Mansar (Jules Hardouin Mansart) and two years later - in 1679 - the chapel was completed. The chapel is named Elise Saint-Louis (Église Saint-Louis). After the death of Bruan Mansar architect designed a special royal chapel, which was inspired by St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. The chapel is decorated with typical Baroque dome and is considered one of the masterpieces of French Baroque architecture. The chapel was completed in 1708. Inside of the dome is decorated with frescoes by Charles de la Fosse (Charles de La Fosse), that affect its purity.

North of the building created for the sick soldiers is a great space where there are embassies of Finland and Austria and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
House of Invalids still fulfill its function to be a national institution for veterans. In the house of a disabled nursing home, medical center and medical consultations.

Napoleon Bonaparte was buried on Saint Helena (Saint Helena), but then King Louis-Philippe (Louis-Philippe) found it necessary remains of the emperor to return to his homeland, which happened in 1840. The remains of Napoleon were buried in the chapel of Saint Jerome (Saint-Jérôme) in the House of Invalids, but were then moved to the tomb of red quartzite. They are buried there in 1861. In the House of disabled people are buried and some members of the family of Napoleon Bonaparte, and several French officers who served him.
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