The most beautiful Baltic city - Tallinn

Talinn Estonia
 Tallinn is the capital of Estonia and one of the most beautiful Baltic city that can offer visitors many exciting background nevroyatna ancient architecture. Tallinn is situated on the southern coast of the Gulf about 80 kilometers from Helsinki. He is the chief administrative center of Haryu and extends a total area of ​​159.2 square kilometers over which iveyat 400 000. Today, Tallinn is considered one of the most important cities of the Baltic republics - Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
 Data on population in the lands of present-day Tallinn has 5000 years ago. The first castle was built in Tallinn on the hill in 1050 Toompea strategic geographical location of Tallinn, Russia, Europe and Scandinavia is the cause of numerous attempts to conquer the land locals for centuries. In 1219 the Danes invaded in Tallinn, while conquer and parts of Estonia. In 1346 the Danes sold the city of Teutonic Knights. About 8 thousand inhabitants of medieval Tallinn enjoyed many resources available for the good of the city and the better protection afforded by a massive wall and 70 defensive towers.
 During the various historical periods Tallinn was controlled by Russians, Swedes and Danes. In the 19th century, during the urban industrial revolution and the Russian port city management is advanced. In the 20th century the city became the capital of a free Estonia, after the war between Germany and Russia. After the invasion of Soviet Russia in 1944, Tallinn became the capital of Soviet Estonia. In 1980 the Russian capital Moscow held the Summer Olympics and in the northeast town of Pirita Tallinn Regatta is held. That is why at this time in Tallinn to be raised a lot of new buildings. After receipt of the Independence of Estonia by Soviet Russia infrastructure cultivation of Tallinn continues with furious pace.
 Today, Tallinn's historical center was declared a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1997. Although Tallinn was bombed during World War II, Old Town is almost intact. As it includes built in the 15th century needle in a Gothic style church of "St. Olaf", which reached a record 123 meters tall, and between 1549 and 1625 years this church and is considered the tallest building in the world.
 In the Old Town of Tallinn can enter through the front Yalg Peak Tower, which was built in 1380. In it can reach the Mayor Square, which in turn is located on the beautiful cathedral "Alexander Nevski". Its bulbous domes, typical of the architecture of Orthodox churches are particularly attractive. Icons and mosaics inside it were brought all the way from St. Petersburg.
 Nearby you can see the parliament building in Tallinn, which is located in an interesting pink baroque building with one of the castles in the historic center of Tallinn. Tour of the castle is also an attractive experience. From its towers are now able to keep three, one of which Tal Herman, which is the most impressive fortifications of Tallinn. In Tallinn you can see the oldest church in Estonia - Lutheran Cathedral, which was built in the 14th century.

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