Ancient cities - Leptis Magna

Cultural and commercial center of the ancient past - Leptis Magna
Leptis Magna is among the few perfectly preserved Roman cities in the world and one of the most - attractive destinations for tourists in Libya. The unique ancient monument is located in the Libyan Tripolitaniya province on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa and was built in the spirit of Roman architectural tradition. Cultural and commercial center of the ancient past - Leptis Magna is located near the town of Al Kums approximately 120 km east of Tripoli.

In the 4th century BC Carthage became a leading force in the Mediterranean, Leptis Magna came under his possession. Up to 146 years BC Leptis Magna is one of the Carthaginian cities, and then became part of the Roman Empire.
During the Roman domination of Leptis Magna became a major Roman towns and trade centers in Africa. The city is also one of the main suppliers of the empire of exotic animals.

Leptis Magna was founded in the X century BC. As a commercial colony of the Phoenicians. Later it was Spartan territory of the city of Cartagena country. After that his fate is to enter into the composition of the Roman Empire and serve as a port of the province of Africa. In this period the site was the center of the empire to supply exotic animals. During the reign of Julius Caesar, Leptis Magna had 100 000 inhabitants. When Trajan was a colony, but at the time of Severus born here, the city received exemption from taxes. He prospered thanks to its location on the endpoint of many trade routes, and cultivation of agricultural commodities such as olives. Processing and production was very profitable for , so that Julius Caesar annual tax imposed on residents of nearly one mile and a half liters of olive oil.

Over 439 years Tripolitaniya Vandals conquered and all cities in the area falling under their possession. King of the Vandals Gayserik Carthage to announce its capital. He ordered the walls of Leptis Magna to be destroyed. Therefore, the townspeople themselves vandals suffered heavy losses during the attacks of the Berbers in 523 years.
Over the centuries, Leptis Magna has endured invasions and defeats of various tribes of Arabs, Vandals, nomads. In a plundered by successive attacks of Berbers in 523 years, residents leave him.
Among the ruins of the ancient city are the baths, the Arc de Triomphe in the north, theater, new and old forum. Extremely impressive and beautifully restored amphitheater is located at sea Circus. A group of Italian archaeologists began excavations of the ancient center in 1911 - 1912 year.

Another interesting attraction in the area that is nice to see the famous Hadrian Baths. Due to extremely high temperatures in summer, most - time to visit this tourist attraction is spring or autumn.

Today, the site of what ever is one of the most important Roman cities can be seen some of the most impressive ruins of the Roman period - the Arc de Triomphe in the north, the old and the new forum, baths, etc. restored amphitheater.

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